Have you even thought about your long-term Legacy plan at all?
You’re currently building and growing your wealth and legacy, but has the thought ever popped up in your mind about your long-term legacy plan? How do you want to be remembered? What kinds of freedoms do you want your children to have that you didn't? Are you charitably-inclined and want to continue being in generous in life and beyond? If you have a business, do you eventually want to sell it? Do you want your business to continue running but eventually don’t want to be the CEO? And what happens to your business, customers, and clients if something happens to you? Guess what…YOU NEED A DETAILED PLAN FOR ALL OF THIS! Don’t worry though, we’ve got the skills, knowledge, and professional training necessary to help you develop that fully comprehensive estate and legacy plan for your life and business so that you leave a lasting legacy for your family.

Attorney Mariah Street
I WHOLEHEARTEDLY know exactly how you feel. I completely understand your concern of wanting to be sure everyone you love and everything you're building is protected and set up for success so that it continues on after you. I love what I do because I get to serve amazing, legacy-minded people like you. My vision for this company is to always be able to serve you, even if I’m not the one physically doing so. And that’s because I really believe in what we’re doing here at Legacy Street Law.
I know you feel the same way about your legacy and family, but unfortunately, this doesn’t happen automatically.
So now I help people like you make sure your legacy and generational family vision doesn't fall to the wayside and break any generational cycles that may exist within your family. My firm really helps people change the trajectory of your family tree financially, intellectually, relationally, and spiritually.


You hear about legacy, estate, & business succession planning but don't know where to start, don't really understand the legal terms surrounding it, and don't know kind of plan what would be best for you, your business, and your family

You are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that your family and everything you own is not at risk and protected at all costs by any means necessary, because they are just THAT important to you and THAT much of a priority

If you're a business owner, you have no idea what would happen to your business, clients, and customers if something were to happen to you…and that really concerns you

The idea of your children and everything you own being left in the wrong hands, your business and family not being fully protected to the best of their ability during life and after, and your business stopping with you completely scares you

All of this planning feels daunting and intimidating to you, you just procrastinate and put it off…until it’s too late

You’re one of first people in your family to even be trying to build wealth, and sometimes that feels overwhelming because of the lack of support and guidance you’ve had along your journey

You’ve tried to Google your way through certain pieces of planning or maybe even tried to use an online service provider like LegalZoom that takes a one-size-fits-all approach to planning (because you needed something in place immediately), but deep down you know it’s just a band-aid, won’t actually protect you in the long-run, and didn’t include actual strategy based on your personal situation and long-term goals
You’re a legacy-minded person, who desires to make a great impact, especially for your family. You’ve worked tirelessly year after year to ensure that the people you serve in your life are cared for in the highest level possible, because that’s just who you are - you have a generous spirit and are compassionate, motivated, and determined.
You care deeply about your family and your children. You want the absolute best for them and pretty much everything you do is for them. That’s why you’ve worked so hard – to provide a good and fruitful life for your family and kids. Sometimes you wonder if you’re doing all that you can to provide for them, protect them from harm, and raise them to be productive, generous, knowledgeable, caring, and responsible people who will walk fully in their life’s purpose, take care of themselves, and positively impact others. You think about whether you are adequately setting them up in life – to start where you finish.
And given all of this, you know that you should be making decisions concerning the long-term goals for your life and family now, but you don’t know where to start or what exactly you need to be thinking about.
What if you had qualified professionals in your corner (who don’t talk over your head and use complex legal jargon) to help you establish your legacy and generational wealth, even if you’re kind of nervous about starting that process and seeking out that type of help?
Case Study
We worked with a young mother of three boys who tried to do her own legacy planning that wasn’t fully protective because she didn’t know what exactly needed to be done.
Through asking for and leveraging professional advice and assistance, we were able to help her implement a plan where, if something happens to her, her 3 children will be receiving $50,000 per year starting out and $100,000 once they reach the age of 25 to help them build their own wealth during life, and ultimately end poverty cycles within her family.

All because she now has a plan that leveraged the valuable assets she owned. She didn’t come from a wealthy family by any means and she’s only 40 years young.
In just a few months, she went from feeling like she was too young to be thinking about doing this type of planning now and focusing on building wealth to get to a certain place in life before thinking about these things, to feeling secure in knowing that no matter what, her family will be provided for and not only that – she feels like a leader in her family and business & career efforts, and feels good and responsible in knowing that generations will know her intentions and values behind her planning decisions.

Hi, it’s me again! Let me tell you a short story about how all of this REALLY came to be. My law firm has changed dramatically over the years and it wasn’t until I decided to fully commit to serving clients at a very high and deep level that things started shifting.
Here’s what happened. I was determined to not do things they way other attorneys and law firms were doing it. I asked around to many of my colleagues about what they were doing to help their clients.
And the most common answer I received was – “Well, you ask the client(s) what they want, draft the documents, have them review the documents, sign the documents, and hand the documents over the client(s), and that’s that.” Basically, it was just a transaction based on “the documents.” No relationship. No real guidance backed with proven strategy.
I felt really conflicted because again, I became an attorney so that I could make great impact on people’s lives. Not so that the people I was serving felt as though they were only a transaction. It didn’t sit right with me that clients would potentially just come in and out of the door without an actual solution that would actually solve the problems they were experiencing and achieving the goals they wanted to accomplish.
And I definitely didn’t like the idea of not having a real relationship with my clients. Because the truth is, legacy and business succession plans need to be revisited, just as we revisit the numbers in our business on a consistent and regular basis like clockwork.
But then I realized I didn’t have to do it that way. I could create a solution that would actually work for our clients and provide them with the service they in fact needed, not just what they where used to.
I began crafting a plan that would not only address people’s tangible legacy (money and assets) but also their intangible legacy (life experiences and lessons, values, faith, beliefs, etc).
The looks on clients’ faces when they found out we weren’t like everyone else were priceless. I knew we were making a real difference, having real influence, and making real impact because of the unique method and processes we were using in our firm to amplify people’s legacies. It made me excited to show up everyday to work (which I admittedly hadn’t felt like that in my whole legal career).
Starting to work on and flesh out that method was the beginning of the best years of this firm. It kick-started this amazing journey and many families and leaders have now benefitted from our services.
Now THIS is why I became an attorney!
We hear a lot of people say, “I can’t afford to hire the right legal support that I actually need.” But have you considered this…
Can you REALLY afford not to?
The truth is, you can’t say you want to protect you and your family, leave a legacy, and build generational wealth for your family, and then choose to either not plan at all or try to find the cheapest solution that ultimately doesn’t work.
Those things are not in alignment with each other. And let’s keep it all the way real – we prioritize what is truly valuable and important to us.
And unfortunately, we’ve seen it happen over and over again where the lack of investment in intentional planning has failed people like yours’ family. Making the next generation have to start ALL the way over again to see if they finally get it right.
what it
will be
like when
• Your children actually have options in life to live out their life’s purpose without money or resources being an obstacle. Because of your intentionality, they are able to make a down payment on their first home, start new businesses, pay for college, etc. without any problems.
• Your business (if you're a business owner) is still continuing to make an impact on people’s lives long after your gone and is operating the exact way you want it to under the same foundational values and principles that you founded the company or business under (think Walt Disney)
• Future generations know about you and your name simply because of your obedience, leadership, and stewardship over your resources, business, and lives.
Mariah was very helpful and efficient in her assessment and helped me to navigate my legal matters. She was extremely knowledgeable in her approach and maintained integrity throughout my entire time working with her. She was always timely with our appointments and provided great insight for my situation. I will highly recommend her working with anyone who needs professional legal assistance.
– Josephine M.
Ready to make sure your business, wealth, and legacy doesn’t stop with you?
The F.I.R.S.T. Plan™!
Our proprietary FIRST Plan™ is a totally personalized, strategy-based plan that takes into account your WHOLE legacy (not just money and assets). We will partner with you and help you create a plan that is based on the foundation of your family structure, assets, and most importantly - what your legacy goals are.
Unlike other law firms, we actually establish relationships with our clients and take a comprehensive and holistic approach to legacy and long-term business planning. Through our FIRST Plan™, we consider and factor in intangible wealth & legacy into our planning process and we ensure that all moving parts are addressed.
You’ll know that your plan will actually work without needing to seek out another attorney or online solution. You will feel confident that your business, wealth, family, and legacy are REALLY secure. (Not just a false sense of security or a band-aid that you would feel after planning with most other attorneys/law firms and all online planning websites like LegalZoom.)
Our FIRST Plan™ is a fully comprehensive plan which takes into account the 5 key components of your legacy which are:





With our F.I.R.S.T Plan™, we will help you create a structured legacy plan to ensure everything you own is properly passed down to your family. Through working directly with us, you will receive the strategy from an award-winning law firm which will be needed to develop a personalized legacy plan, complete with all necessary legal protections. The average client of ours sees the following results:

Legal protection of everything they own so that they are passed down without any legal or management issues AND a well-thought out care plan for any minor children
Passing down their financial, intellectual, relational, spiritual, and trade/business legacies (i.e. their WHOLE legacy)
Family, children, business partners, and other VIPs named in the plan know and understand what to do when the time comes without any confusion or arguments
Security and additional asset protection so that wealth and money stays within the family and isn’t wasted on unnecessary court and attorneys fees
Peace of mind knowing their family, wealth, and legacy is secure
Saving lots of time and effort because they know they couldn’t do this type of planning correctly on their own
Children are instilled with the traits of leadership, stewardship of resources, and generosity
Education and knowledge in the area of finances and the “legal” parts of their lives, so they can then pass down this knowledge to their children
Feeling empowered and responsible and like leaders and good stewards of their family, business, and legacy
Children receive the financial benefit of what you've built for specific purposes, such as (but not limited to) starting a business, college tuition, down payment for their first home, or investing in the stock market or real estate, in order to help them begin their journey towards building their own wealth and living their life’s purpose without financial roadblocks
It’s typical for clients who work with us to intentionally pass down wealth to their children’s children (who may not even be born yet), even though they are the first people in their family to plan for their legacy or to really be thinking about creating and building wealth.
This happens because we infuse a strategic blend of legal techniques and powerful partnerships with other wealth-building team members, which accelerates generational legacy and wealth.
What’s Included In Our Proprietary F.I.R.S.T. Plan™
One-on-one sessions with an experienced lawyer to help you create, design, implement, and review your plan
Strategic & customized research by an attorney to make sure the right plan for you is being put in place
Email and scheduled call support to answer any and all of your questions during the planning process
Fully Comprehensive Assessment (to see what all you own and value personally)
Your Foundational Legacy & Business Planning Assets: Trust(s) - if applicable, Will(s), Durable Power(s) of Attorney, Healthcare Power(s) of Attorney, Advanced Directives (i.e. living wills), HIPAA release(s), Legacy Asset Inventory, Children’s Legacy & Care Plan™ (instructions and important documentation for the care of your minor children), Legacy Planning Summary Details, Color Diagram of Plan, Fiduciary Letters --- PLUS EVERYTHING WILL BE NICELY ORGANIZED!
Notarization & Execution of Documents done and coordinated by our firm in partnership with you
Trust Funding/Asset Alignment done in collaboration with our firm
Digital Asset Planning Package
Free plan reviews every 3 years (If changes are needed upon review, you’ll receive a 50% discount on those services)
Legacy Party Box complete with all original physical documents & electronic copies of your plan!
*Please note that we have different FIRST Plan™ packages that have different benefits included within each. This list is a general overview of the benefits contained in all of our packages (so each package does not include ALL of these benefits). Should we decide to work together, you will be able to choose which package is best for you and select add-ons to fit your needs. We handle all types of planning. Additional planning above foundational planning could include high net-worth planning, special needs planning, long-term care planning, charitable giving planning, and more.
Looks like you have a decision to make…
Door #1: Do it on your own
You can try to implement your own plan with LegalZoom (or the like) or your local bank.
The only problem is…you have no idea what to do, what to look out for, and what all needs to be included to really ensure the plan actually works. (After all, you’re not an attorney.) And these “solutions” take a one-size-fits-all perspective on planning, and they are not actually legal professionals who can provide you with personalized legal advice.
If you are choosing Door #2, CONGRATS - we love to see it!
Door #2: Let us help
You can rely on the licensed professionals of a quality law firm to develop the right, customized legacy and business succession plan for you based on your goals, business, and family and financial situation.
You’ll be able to REALLY have the peace of mind in knowing that your plan is bulletproof with no holes which ultimately protects everything you value – your family, business, and legacy.

I can’t recommend Mariah enough! She had helpful answers to all of my many, many questions. She was truly an integral part of making this planning process the best that it could possibly be.
– Hollie N.
The Full Process
Here are the details on the full process and what you can expect to achieve as a result of working with us:

During your Legacy Roadmap Session, based on what we discover in the Identify Phase, we will design your plan. In this phase, the blueprint of your FIRST Plan™ will be outlined (including for your Children’s Legacy & Care Plan™), and you’ll get the security in knowing that you now have an actionable plan for your family and legacy

You will receive your plan binder at this phase. We will then give you the opportunity to review everything and ask any lingering questions you may have about your plan, so that you fully understand its inner-workings, as well as any further next steps needed from you.

Leave a Legacy

We will hold your Legacy Roadmap Session where you will get legally and financially organized, identify where the holes are in what they are currently doing (or not doing) to protect their business and family, and get clear and decide on what planning strategies are best for you based on what needs protecting and your legacy goals. This is the most important phase because without clarity and a deep dive into your situation, you will have no idea where to go from there.

We’ll have your Destination Legacy: Signing Celebration where we will sign and legally execute your plan. Your plan will, at this point, be legally enforceable and set in stone! Afterwards, we’ll complete and all funding for your plan as well. The peace of mind you’ll have will be everything!

You did it! In this phase, you’ll feel empowered that you’ve taken control of your legacy. You’ll feel educated and knowledgeable in what real legacy planning is, so that you can pass that knowledge down to your children and continue to break any negative generational cycles within your family. And you’ll have a clear understanding of what your WHOLE legacy actually is! You may also get the opportunity to join our VIP Membership for more regular maintenance and up-keep of your plan in partnership with our Firm, so that you don't have to do it alone.
You’re A Good Fit To Work With Us If…
- You are legacy-driven, legacy-minded, and know you’re meant to make a big impact on your family tree and others
- Both you and your spouse (if married) do NOT have an “I don’t care, I’ll be dead anyway” attitude
- You and your spouse (if married) work together as a team and are on the same page concerning how important legacy and this type of planning is to you
- You and your spouse (if married) take ownership and responsibility over your lives and those who you’re required to look after, and there fore are willing to be fully involved and attentive during the planning process
- You and your spouse (if married) understand legacy is more than just finances and money (although it’s certainly an important part of it), but it’s also about your values, education, faith, life experiences/decisions, and knowledge
- You and your spouse (if married) value the skills and strategy from a qualified professional and desire to partner with one who will help you to solidify your legacy the RIGHT way without taking any short-cuts (i.e. you’re not looking for a band-aid. You’re looking for real solutions and strategies that will actually work)
Unfortunately, this is what happens when you don’t plan adequately:
You’re family will spend LOTS of time and money in court trying to figure things out and clean up messes that you could have easily prevented (this will make you appear irresponsible)
You'll be robbed of the opportunity to decide what happens concerning your health care in medical crises
You’ll be robbed of the opportunity to determine what YOU would want to happen to your family, children, and everything you own if something happens to you
Someone else (i.e. the government) will dictate the narrative of your legacy
You’ll always be worried about what will happen to your children if something happened to you, especially since your children will be at risk of being raised by people you don’t want
If you're a business owner, the business you worked so hard to build and grow will die with you and therefore it won’t be able to provide for your family, which was probably you’re intention in the first place
If you're a business owner, you clients and customers will be extremely frustrated that they are having to sort out whatever their relationship with you and your business was (this could potentially lead to you/your estate being sued depending on the nature of the relationship, and again makes you and your business look very unreliable, undependable, and irresponsible)
You’ll perpetuate the same negative financial, spiritual, and relational generational cycles you grew up with, because the next generation has no solidified guidance or direction from you, and they’ll likely have to start over instead of starting where you finished